Masterji, also known as Maganbhai Patel, is a man whose photography came to be known more widely in the years of 2016 and 2017, in the UK and International news for documenting the arrival of migrants to post war Coventry from 1951s to 2000 – especially people from the Sub-Indian continent.
He was the first Indian photographer in Coventry and opened his photography studio ‘Master’s Art Studio’ in 1969.
At the age of 94 years, November 2016, he had his first solo exhibition ‘Masterji and Coventry’ at the Box in Fargo Village in Coventry, which was launched as part of the bid for Coventry to become the ‘UK City of Culture 2021’.
In 2017 ‘Masterji’ the photographer launched his first book and received his Honorary Doctor of Arts (DArts) from Coventry University, in recognition for his outstanding contribution to photography and heritage of Coventry.